Facts & Figures

  • 2023-2024 Enrollment

    206 Students

    139 Boarding

    60 Day

    7 Home Stay

  • Geographic Distribution

    Boarding Students from 18 different nations and 8 states and one Territory

    AZ, CA, CT, MA, MN, NJ, NY, SC And Puerto Rico

    17 Massachusetts cities and towns

  • Faculty

    34 faculty

    63% with advanced degrees

  • Academics

    Average class size: 10

    Student-teacher ratio: 6:1

    35 AP and Honors courses

  • Advanced Placement Analysis

    48 students took a total of 103 AP exams in 2023

    77% scored 3 or above

    56% scored 4 or 5

    19 students were named AP Scholars based on their performance on 3 or more exams

  • Class of 2023 Statistics

    Students: 52

    Average GPA: 3.28

    Average SAT: EBR + W: 621, M: 628

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