The MacDuffie Health Center
The MacDuffie School Health Center will improve the health and academic success of all students by providing evidence based nursing, athletic training, counseling care, and health education in a safe and welcoming environment.
The nurse, counselor, and athletic trainer offices are located within the MacDuffie School campus to promote wellness and disease prevention by early identification of health problems that might interfere in the educational process. Health services include identification of health problems, preventative health education, health maintenance, necessary therapeutic and psychological intervention, physician referral, and first aid.
Health Forms
We use Magnus Health Portal to better connect you with your child’s school health and wellness information. This web-based system provides an easy, secure way for you to update and review important school health information and medical documents throughout the year. With 24-hour access over the web, you will be able to:
Electronically sign and submit most health forms safely over the internet
Review and update new health information such as vaccinations, health conditions, and screening results throughout the school year
Easily message the school health clinic to expedite communication
Magnus is accessed through your Blackbaud, so only one login/password to remember!
All medical information can easily be filled out in the Magnus Health Portal. To access your Magnus Health Account:
visit your Blackbaud account (parent account)
go to the Blackbaud Resource Board
click on the button titled “Magnus Health Portal” (no separate login required)
To help navigate what medical forms are required, here is a list:
All students:
Permission for Medical Treatment (parent electronic signature)
Annual physical exam (upload; must be signed by a physician)
Immunization record (upload; must be signed by a physician)
Over-the-Counter Medication Authorization (parent electronic signature)
Prescribed Medication Authorization (upload; if medication will be taken on while on campus; must be signed by the prescribing physician)
Health Insurance Disclosure Notification (parent electronic signature)
Boarding/Home-stay students (in addition to the forms listed above):
Required vaccine consent (parent electronic signature)
TB Screening form (upload; must be signed by a physician)
Influenza Vaccine consent (upload; parent signature)
Individual Forms to be uploaded into Magnus:
Prescribed Medication Authorization
Health Insurance
In order to ensure prompt and appropriate medical attention is given to your child, either for well-care or in the event of an emergency, The MacDuffie School requires that every student must have medical insurance information in file. All Health Insurance policies must meet the following minimum qualifications:
Private Insurance must be US-based on medical insurance from an Affordable Care Act (ACA), a credible plan. Information on whether your insurance meets ACA standards may be obtained from your insurer or from your employer’s benefits administrator.
Mass Health
State Health Insurance provided by a state other than Massachusetts (e.g. an SCHIP/Medicare plan)*
Traveler Insurance program
International boarding students will be enrolled in the minimum school health insurance plan (Ruby) with the option to upgrade, for an additional fee, to the Sapphire or Diamond plan. Ruby plans WILL NOT cover the entirety of an emergency or routine medical bill. Upgraded plans cover more medical treatments, and require lower family out-of-pocket expenses. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to upgrade your plan.
Please view the different plans and what they cover here: RUBY, SAPPHIRE, DIAMOND
To upgrade your health insurance plan contact
When to notify the Health Center
When to notify the Health Center 〰️
We strive to make sure every student has support when needed in order to have a successful academic career at MacDuffie. We have wonderful support teams that are ready to help, even for short term. We need your help in order to put those supports in place.
Please notify the Health Center (via phone, email, or fax) when:
A new medical diagnosis, or change in your child’s physical status including:
A new allergy
A newly prescribed medication or change in dose of a current medication
A serious injury, illness, or condition requiring emergency treatment or hospitalization
A head injury or concussion
An injury requiring sutures, casting, splints, or mobility assistance of crutches or wheelchair.
Contagious conditions such as chicken pox, flu, strep throat, whooping cough, pneumonia, conjunctivitis, or head lice.
Your child is absent for more than 3 days
If there are any recent changes in your child’s life that may affect emotional status; such as an up coming birth, a recent death, a serious illness, military deployment, unemployment, marital separation or divorce, etc.
Health Policies
Health Policies 〰️
Click HERE to view scenarios
A nurse is available on campus Monday through Thursday from 7:30 am until 10pm, and Friday 7:30am - 4pm. During the non-office hours a nurse is available for triage, via phone calls or text from a MacDuffie employee
Nursing delegation of any medication will be instructed to non-licensed staff that have completed medication delegation training only.
All students who become ill during the school day MUST report to the nurse. In the absence of the nurse, the front office will contact the Dean of Boarding for boarding students, or parents/guardians of day students and may ask that the student be picked up. Parents/Guardian MUST speak with the nurse, or school personnel, BEFORE making plans to pick up their child due to illness. This ensures the safety (and attendance) of all students.
It is the parent’s responsibility to update the school nurse of any health changes that could affect the care of the student while at school.
** Please note: Any student who has gone home due to illness, or missed more than three classes may not participate in any extracurricular activities that day or evening, except with the express permission of the Dean of Students, Assistant Head of School, or Head of School. Description text goes here
Masks will be optional in all indoor and outdoor spaces, except when a short term temporary mask mandate is in effect. A mask mandate will go into effect when spreading of an illness, via respiratory transmission, is shown to be high within the school.
Click HERE to see return to school after illness policy
A leave of absence generally occurs when:
a physical or mental illness is seriously affecting the student’s ability to attend class, perform in class or do academic work, even with support and accommodation
the student behaves in ways that can be considered self-destructive or dangerous to others
the demands of school are affecting the student’s ability to focus on recovery
the student feels in crisis and requires an increased level of care
the student is not engaged in treatment that the school has made a condition of attendance, after the student has been evaluated by medical and/or mental health professionals, who have deemed such treatment appropriate
Understanding the nature and range of conditions that arise with teenagers, the treatment for certain medical and psychological conditions and behaviors might need to occur outside the school setting. The goal of a leave of absence is for the student to regain health and the ability to function consistently, productively and safely when they return to school. The leave provides the student with the time to focus on recovery, medical/psychological care and self-care.
A student’s family may request such a leave at the recommendation of objective medical professionals. Additionally, if in the school’s judgment, a student is exhibiting symptoms that make the student unable to participate in required academic or extracurricular activities without imposing an undue burden on the school’s resources, the school may recommend and require that the student be evaluated and subsequently placed on medical leave.
Decisions about granting or requiring a medical leave, or a student’s return from leave, rest with the Dean of Students and Head of School. The Dean of Students and Head of Academic Support will coordinate the student’s academic responsibilities while on leave and makeup work upon return.
To return to school after a leave of absence, a thorough, written professional evaluation of the student’s current mental health or medical condition from the physician, psychiatrist, or other professional who treated the student during the leave of absence must be provided to the school. This evaluation must include the current treatment plan, services required upon return to MacDuffie, and expectations for the student. The school will also require an additional evaluation or consultation by our Dean of Students and/or our school counselor to determine the best re-entry plan for the student.
The guiding principle of return from a medical leave is the school’s confidence that the student can return safely, and that the student’s return will not compromise the student’s continued recovery, interfere with the school’s ability to serve other students’ needs, or place an undue burden on the school. Students with disabilities, including those related to mental health conditions, have the right to reasonable accommodations relative to the disability.
In the absence of a treatment plan that meets this goal or a student following the treatment plan, in the view of the school personnel, the school may require the student to withdraw.
Click HERE to see our Medication in school policy
Annual physical exams during the “growing years” of adolescence is the best way to gain health knowledge, detect early negative changes in health, and give the ability to start early intervention measures sooner for abnormalities, possibly resulting in a positive outcome.
All students are required to have a physical exam performed and signed by a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant prior to initial school admittance to The MacDuffie School.
Updated physical exams will be required annually for all students while at The MacDuffie School.
Any boarding student that arrives at The MacDuffie school without proof of annual exam will be seen by Swift River Medical, the school physician, in the soonest availability of Swift River Medical scheduling.
No student without a current physical exam (within 12 months) will be allowed to participate in sports, including tryouts for any sport.
State Community Resources
Substance abuse -
Allies in Recovery ~ is a FREE membership for all Massachusetts residents.
If you are navigating the situation with a loved one who is mis-using alcohol or drugs, sign up for a FREE membership at The online program for families gives support and training around getting a loved one on the road to recovery, with a focus on greatly improving your communication and interactions, on getting them into treatment, and reducing the stress of the whole family. You’ll learn CRAFT, a powerful, evidence-based approach to improve outcomes for families who have a loved one with substance use disorder (SUD). Sign up with your local zip code for a FREE membership and get access to: self-guided eLearning modules, a Q&A blog where you can pose your own question, weekly podcasts, and live weekly Zoom support groups and training groups.
New State Behavioral Health Line -
The Department of Mental Health has launched a new Behavioral Health Helpline that people can call or text at (833) 773-2445. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week in more than 200 languages. The help line can help individuals and families navigate the behavioral health system and access treatment, including mobile crisis services. For more information, please see the FAQ page. Anyone with questions or concerns about the help line can email the help line director at
Health Team
Erica Piwcio
Nursing hours:
Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4pm
Nursing Hours:
Monday - Thursday 5pm - 10pm
Deanne Klingensmith
Counseling Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7:45am - 3:30pm
Wednesday 7:45am - 12pm
Athletic Training hours:
Present for on campus games, and sports practices.